Hardcast's Rooftop Foil-Sealant Duct Sealing System Warranty Advertisement

The Hardcast Foil-Sealant Duct Sealing System, a system that reduces ductwork air leakage, energy loss and moisture intrusion, is a combination of rolled mastic sealant and brush- or spray-applied mastic. This system includes Hardcast’s Iron-Grip® 601, Spray-Seal™ or Versa-Grip™ 181 liquid mastic sealant. Once the liquid sealant has cured completely; the mastic is overlaid with a 4" wide strip of AFT-701 rolled sealant. When properly installed, the Hardcast Foil-Sealant Duct Sealing System is eligible for a 10-year material only warranty.
Modified: 11/07/2016


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